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27-02-2023 | read

A CEO level business delegation from Denmark comprising 33 utility companies who are supporting greening in the energy sector visited NTPC Power Management Institute, Noida on 27th February 2023.

The event “Driving Green Transition Together” was attended by Mr. Eske Bo Rosenberg, Consul General, Royal Danish Embassy in India and several delegates and leading executives from Danish Companies. From NTPC, Shri Rajiv Gupta, CGM (NREL), Ms. Sangeeta Kaushik, CGM (BD), Ms. Rachana Singh Bhal, GM (PMI) with other senior officials from RE, IBD, NETRA, PMI and NVVN attended the event and discussed the possible areas of collaboration in domains like off-shore and ground mounted wind, green chemicals and green hydrogen production, etc.